Monday, December 20, 2010

Considerations when hiring Revenue Cycle Consultants and/or Interim Managers

Almost all provider organizations engage Revenue Cycle Consultants or Interim Revenue Cycle Managers from time to time. A lot has been published through HFMA about vendor selection criteria and vendor management. Most professional organizations offer a resource guide that lists options.

That said, here are two practical things to consider when hiring these resources:
  1. Far too often when organizations hire external resources that will be deployed to their patient financial services, finance or health information management departments, they consider only the person OR the company supplying the resource. In order to better leverage your investment; be certain that you are hiring quality resources supported by an offering company with deep expertise in revenue cycle management operations.

    You are importing expertise and human capital to your organization and those values are not found in the company logo, rather they are delivered through the people serving you. Therefore, it is important to interview the specific people who will be working with you. Is the chemistry good? Do they have the technical background required? Have their achievements with other clients been commensurate with expectations you have in your organization? This interview process allows you to access what you are buying without the influence of a logo, business development person or other external factors.

    It is then a value added if you select a professional services company with the capacity to leverage the people selected. Once you have interviewed the consultant or interim director, pursue how the offering vendor achieves synergy by supporting the engagement with a brain trust, technical depth, management practices and other props. At Nearterm, we have (a) a quality assurance program called Q-100, (b) Principals with successful background leading provider organizations and (c) a mechanism for our field professionals to access our collective resources and expertise on a real time basis when engaged in development and/or problem solving endeavors. As a result our clients have the benefit of professionally managed resources with access to a cache of experience, eliminating the “trial and error” approach.

  2. We always have to consider cost. I submit that in most cases, when provider organizations identify sustained operating deficits, performance problems, extended vacancies in key positions and backlogs, the real cost is in NOT getting help from an external resource.

    If these items could have been addressed internally, they would have already been resolved. Losses can be measured in terms of cost of cash and also balance sheet losses. Often the extra set of eyes and new ideas represented by an interim CFO or interim Business Office Director are just the change catalyst needed to improve performance. An Interim Controller can assist finance with accelerating close schedules and new formatting so that management reports are more timely and useful. Regardless of the issue, always think about the cost of inaction in terms of financial performance and even career development.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Billing backlog, collection backlog, posting backlog – what is the right option?

There is no “cookie cutter” solution because the factors contributing to processing backlogs vary. Here are just a few:
  • System conversion
  • Limited labor pool
  • Space constraints
  • Volume increase
  • Training deficits
  • Ineffective work flow design
  • Change in payor requirement
  • IT problems

The first step is to understand the root cause of the backlog and establish (a) an acceptable timeframe for resolving the backlog and (b) a mechanism to prevent recurrence. The result is almost always a determination that part of the game plan should include additional resources. That is when the question of options becomes critical. Conventional options have summarily included:

  • Hire more staff and accept the time required to train them to the point where they are effective
  • Outsource to a vendor with a remote processing venue
  • Bring in skilled temps (interim collector, interim biller)
  • Some combination of the above
There is another viable option not mentioned above that is very effective – REMOTE AR SPECIALIST. This would be a highly skilled, experienced collector, biller or insurance follow-up person(s) that would work from home with access to the provider system. Typically, this resource would initially work at the provider site for a short time getting familiar with the systems, people, policies and other critical orientations. Work standards would be established and the AR SPECIALIST would then work from home, saving travel cost and eliminating the need for work space at the facility. This very contemporary approach is available through Nearterm Corporation and has worked very well for many provider organizations.

Thursday, October 7, 2010


Most people have conventional wisdom that drives their belief about healthcare funding sources. Here is a trend analysis I recently reviewed in the September/October 2010 “Healthcare Executive” publication that tells you where the money really comes from and illustrates how things are changing;

You can visit to review other interesting facts about our industry trends. Obviously, Medicare is increasing as a funding source and Private Pay is decreasing on a percentage basis. This shift demands that we continuously evaluate operating practices and use of technology. Our Revenue Cycle Strategists and others on our consulting team are working with provider organizations every day to assist with best practice implementation and process innovation designed to stay ahead of the curve. If you have identified solutions you would like to share or if you would like to talk with us about how to deal with the changes ahead, please give us a call.

Friday, September 24, 2010


If you are a healthcare financial professional or want to become one, you are probably familiar with HFMA. It is the best source of educational, networking and career development opportunity available to us. We are all aware of the economic pressure around us but this is not the time to neglect the very resource that can position us to meet the challenges we face. So get involved with your local chapter. The HFMA website is very comprehensive and offers a good explanation of what is available to you both through your local chapter and also national. Here is a link to the website:
Hope to see you at the next meeting!

Monday, September 13, 2010


Have you heard the saying “the cobbler’s son has no shoes”? As healthcare professionals, we are expert at caring for emergent patients and educating the public about wellness and safety. But sometimes we neglect our own wellbeing in lieu of our commitment to the welfare of others. Here’s an easy thing you, your family and friends can do to ensure that in the event of an emergency, your caregivers have a chance to deliver the best care possible. In your cell phone and computer contacts, set up a contact called ICE. Emergency, hospital and other officials are trained to look at your contacts for an “ICE” contact in emergency situations. Here is a link with more details about “ICE”;

By doing this, emergency teams can immediately obtain critical information from you about the patient (history, meds, allergies etc.) and also let you know where the patient is being taken for treatment. You might consider passing this along to school, church, sports and other groups you associate with.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

iPad Winner!

Congratulations to Danielle O'Brien of Knox Community Hospital in Indiana. You are the winner of the Apple iPad!

Nearterm would like to thank everyone for stopping by the booth at the ANI. See you again next year.

Monday, June 21, 2010

The Great iPad Giveaway

Nearterm is celebrating 20 years of nationwide service to our clients in the healthcare industry, so we are giving away an iPad at the ANI in Las Vegas. Stop by booth 161 and drop your business card in our hopper or fill out an entry form for a chance to win! Anyone not attending please call our offices in Houston and ask to talk with Tammy Flowers for your chance to win.

The drawing will be held in the afternoon session of the exhibit on Tuesday, June 22.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

HAAPC and TAPC Awards

On March 4, 2010 the Houston Area Association of Personnel Consultants gathered to present their awards to the city’s top producers for 2009. Nearterm is proud to be the recipient of the #1 Award for their work in the Contract/Temporary, Technical/Professional Field. This is our 6th year to be named the number 1 team in this division.

On April 16, 2010 the Texas Association of Personnel Consultants held its annual awards banquet for all of its state members. For the 6th consecutive year Nearterm received the top award in the Contract/Temporary, Technical/Professional Field.

Congratulations Team!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

HFMA Mentor Program

Nearterm continues to support the efforts of HFMA. In addition to sponsorships, Jim Matthews, a Principal with Nearterm has been active with various committees and chapter events. Most recently, we have demonstrated our support for continuing education and development through participation in design of the HFMA Mentor Program. This program will be implemented soon as a Gulf Coast Chapter benefit and will assist financial and revenue cycle professionals with career direction, work related decisions and other needs. Senior professionals will serve as Mentors working with less experienced Mentees. We are excited about this program and we are certain that both Mentors and Mentees will benefit, strengthening our industry overall with the presence of greater expertise in our provider organizations.

Q-100 - Quality 100% Of The Time

Today we commence implementation of our newly designed Quality Assurance Program, “Q-100”. Q-100 is characterized by:
  • Client centered protocol
  • Outcomes driven measurement
  • Efficient program maintenance
  • Our belief that quality is the key to success
The Nearterm Q-100 Team has worked hard to develop a streamlined program that would ensure service quality. We thank all who participated.